Comedy at random
Voronezh Academic Street Theatre
Duration - 40 minutes
Venue: Amphitheatre
"Comedy at random" is an improvisational street theatre performance created in the aesthetics of the Italian comedy of masks. In the centre of its plot is a classic story of lovers, which face many obstacles on their way to happiness, but thanks to the help of their clever friends, they overcome all difficulties. A lot of music, blank verse, interactive acts and comedy pantomime are awaiting the audience. And even the actors themselves do not know how the action will develop: at the beginning of each performance, the audience chooses one of the four plots and distributes roles to the characters.
The Voronezh Academic Street Theatre was created at the initiative of the International Platonov Arts Festival, which organised a street theatre laboratory in 2022. The VAS theatre started its history with a street performance "How Peter the Great ..." staged by Anna Shishkina (Mother Meadows), artistic director of the St. Petersburg theatre "Mr. Pejo's wandering dolls." The second work of the VAS theatre was the environmental performance "One thousand tons under water" - a fantasy on the theme of Joseph Brodsky's poem "The new Jules Verne" (director - Daniil Chekrygin). Among the new productions in the repertoire of the VAS theatre are "How Peter the Great made the New Year a winter holiday" in the genre of a street carnival (director - Kamil Tukaev) and "Comedy at random", referring to the aesthetics of the Italian street theatre of the Renaissance period (director - Daniil Chekrygin).