Robert Falk. Painting and Graphic Arts

June 3rd - July 2nd
Robert Falk. "A Cloudy Day", 1928.
From the collection of the New Jerusalem State Museum of History and Art
The central event of the exhibition programme of the Platonov Arts Festival will be a project dedicated to the creative work of Robert Falk, an outstanding painter, avant-garde artist and classic of Russian art of the 20th century, one of the leaders of the "Jack of Diamonds", an iconic figure of The Thaw. Voronezh residents will be able to see about 50 paintings and graphic works of the artist from the collections of the State Russian Museum, the State Tretyakov Gallery, New Jerusalem State Museum of History and Art, the Kursk State Art Gallery named after A. Deineka, Tula Museum Association. Project "Robert Falk. Painting and Graphic Arts" is a retrospective reflecting Falk’s creative path from early works of 1909 to the works of the 1950s and emphasising the diversity of his heritage. The exhibition will open in the Voronezh Regional Art Museum named after I.N. Kramskoy on June 3rd and will be available until July 2nd.